September 20th, 2023
We have received significant feedback from our customers who expressed the need for invoices, particularly the invoice for Blackship's service fees. (Including shipping fee, consolidation fee, and other service fees).
This demand has been especially big among our European customers, who often require these invoices for various purposes, including customs clearance (to match the amount charged with their card) and for business and accounting needs, particularly for our B2B customers.
We are pleased to inform you that we have now taken steps to simplify this process for you. Upon successful charging of your payment method for your shipment, you will receive an email notification with the subject
"Receipt from Blackship."
This email will contain an easily accessible PDF attachment of your invoice, making it convenient for you to retrieve your records.
We are committed to continuously improving our services and meeting your needs. If you have any further suggestions or requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us via Your feedback is highly valued and helps us enhance your experience with Blackship.